Fellow supporters from the worldwide movement for Catholic reform. Certainly not a comprehensive list. Apologies to reforming friends we may have omitted – do get in touch so that we can include you.
*Please note that we can’t necessarily endorse everything on all of these pages.
5 THESES ‘Not a group but an effort’ – they seek to succinctly articulate the change that is needed to renew our Church posting conversations, articles, and prayers exchanged among everyday Catholics. They aim to engage all of the faithful, including our bishops and decision makers, in five concrete actions, with the prayerful hope that through them they will bring new life to our beloved Church.
ACTA believes ‘that the reforms of the Second Vatican Council are the only way forward for mission to modern society. It is not a small chapel of selected followers; it believes in the Church as a “big tent”, with open doors.’
THE ASSOCIATION OF CATHOLIC PRIESTS is for Catholic Priests who wish to have a forum, and a voice to reflect, discuss and comment on issues affecting the Irish Church and society today.
AUSTRALIAN WOMEN PREACH is a new weekly podcast starting 8 March 2021 will feature 30 Australian Christian women preaching the Gospel in lead up to Australian Catholic Church’s historic Plenary Council in October. An initiative of Women and the Australian Church (WATAC) and the Grail in Australia.
CALL TO ACTION's mission is to educate, inspire and activate Catholics to act for justice and build inclusive communities through a lens of anti-racism and anti-oppression principles.
CATHOLIC FOR A CHANGING CHURCH are the publishers of Renew magazine.
"We are Catholics who try to base our lives on Gospel values and care about the Church's continuity and its influence in the world. We are concerned that the hierarchical institution of our Church often fails to promote justice and resists positive change."
THE CATHOLIC WOMEN'S COUNCIL invites you to discover what dignity and equality mean to you as a Catholic, and how our skills, talents and expertise as women should be used to benefit the Church into the future. R&B will feed into their virtual Global Pilgrimage in March 2022.
THE CATHOLIC WOMEN'S ORDINATION is challenging institutional sexism in the Catholic Church. R&B grew out of CWO, and R&B is extremely grateful to their generous donation to support the inclusive synod.
CORPUS is the National Association for an Inclusive Priesthood.
CHRISTIAN CLIMATE ACTION believe in supporting each other to take meaningful action in the face of imminent and catastrophic anthropogenic climate breakdown.
DIGNITY USA envisions and works for a time when Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Catholics are affirmed and experience dignity through the integration of their spirituality with their sexuality, and as beloved persons of God participate fully in all aspects of life within the Church and Society, celebrating the wholeness and holiness of LGBTQI Catholics.
FUTURE CHURCH is seeking changes that will provide all Roman Catholics the opportunity to participate fully in Church life and leadership.
ENFLESHED started in 2017 to provide ‘engagement with the Sacred through collective, liberative, creative and nourishing practices and ideas’ free from ‘dogma, religious respectability, politics, or denominational ties’ – offering particular support for ‘queer and trans flesh’
LORD PATTEN, CHANCELLOR OF OXFORD UNIVERSITY has said “I do not see what is wrong with asserting that the Church, which has regularly changed some of its teaching should hold on to the essential message of the Sermon on the Mount, while being a little more like the world it serves and understanding the lives of those who are still practising Catholics. At least it should discuss more openly why so many faithful Catholics live patently good lives which are at odds with what is said by Church leaders about, in particular, the family, marriage, sex and love. Perhaps, as Pope Francis has suggested, they should spend more time healing the wounded members of their flocks than ticking them off.”
- First Confession, A Sort of Memoir
MOVEMENT FOR MARRIED CLERGY is a lay organisation founded in 1975 to promote a married priesthood, it has called for a national assembly to discuss celibacy and the possible ordination of so-called "viri probati" or married men of proven faith. It argues for both the ordination of suitable married laymen and for the welcoming back of priests who have left active ministry and may have married, but who are able and willing to return to service.
NODFFA RETREAT CENTRE, NORTH WALES, is focussed on the environment, but also on supporting carers with a place of welcome and peace. Sr. Mary Jo McElroy has been a Journey Guest – see her recording on Past Guests.
PARISHIONERS' CALL is a movement promoting a respectful and safe space for Roman Catholic parishioners to talk and act. Set up by Pamela Perry and Mary Ring, R&B owes a great deal of its spirit for reform to Parishioners’ Call.
THE PEOPLE'S SYNOD is an American forum for Catholics or ex-Catholics. They describe themselves as ‘A dialogue salon’ and don’t run shy of politics. They are very welcoming to people from outside the USA.
THE POLISH CONGRESS OF CATHOLIC WOMEN AND CATHOLICS - Kongres Katoliczek i Katolików : the idea The Polish Congress of Catholic Women and Catholics's idea is grassroots, the group was not set up by any existing organisation. The aim of the Congress is a new look at dialogue within the Church, at the way of making decisions and the role of individual states in the life of the community.’ Members have been Journey Guests. Please find a translation of the website here.
THE POLISH TEKLA FOUNDATION was set up by theologian and journalist specialising in Christian-Jewish relations, Zuzanna Radzik. Her first book portraying Mary as a rebel created a feminist storm. Members have been Journey Guests.
PRAYING EUCHARISTICALLY was set up by James Alison, a Catholic theologian, priest and author, through which he has been offering his presbyteral services during lockdown. ‘I’m seeking to provide a safe space from which, among others, gay and lesbian Christians, may pray as we are.’ Each week he gives ‘the basic text necessary for you to pray through the different steps of the Eucharist, from initial Blessing, through the readings, up to and including the consecration and consumption of the gifts, and final thanksgiving… I will provide also a video reading of the Gospel for the day… and a video homily of no more than 10 minutes.’ James will speak at the Synod.
PURPLE STOLE FOR THE DIACONATE FOR WOMEN : wearing the purple stole symbolizes equal rights for men and women in all church offices and tasks. The diaconate is a first necessary step to equality. Supported by Cardinal Reinhard Marx.
QUEST has been bearing witness to the reality of LGBT+ Catholic lives since 1793.
SCOTTISH LAITY NETWORK is a group working to find ‘new ways’ of being Church in Scotland through prayer, dialogue and discernment. ‘We are part of a worldwide rising. The laity of the Catholic Church want the equal respect, dignity and co-responsibility promised us by Vatican II. Have a browse through their YouTube channel here.
ST IGNATIUS CHURCH, BALTIMORE, USA is a Jesuit church in the USA that is trying to model Jesus’ message. A quote from a friend on their Facebook page: ‘A very welcoming parish that values women in leadership roles, is transparent about finances, is led by a wise pastor who is not afraid to speak the truth with love, and who is supported by a great staff and parish community. And the quality of the choir and musicians will make your heart soar.’
THE TABLET is a hub where high profile guests addressing a wide range of current and controversial issues. There is a charge for their webinars of £12.50.
ST MARY MAGDALEN COMMUNITY, USA, is an inclusive community in the USA. You can join them for Mass every Sunday. Or re-visit their homilies rooted in everyday life here. Roman Catholic Woman Priest Kathy Schuck has been a Journey Guest – see her recording on Past Guests.
TOUTES APÔTRES (All Women Apostles) is a new French inclusive lay movement committed to the equality of women in the Church ‘whether in the governance of our parishes, our dioceses, the Vatican or as ordained ministers… Our gesture is neither the demand of a trade union nor a declaration of great principles, but a salutary act of disobedience to the Church’s dogma.’
VINE & FIG is ‘an affirming space for Queer Catholics’.
VOICES OF FAITH is empowering and advocating for a prophetic Catholic Church where women’s voices count, participate and lead on an equal footing with men. Responsible for the wonderful ‘The Women the Vatican Couldn’t Silence: Mary McAleese and Sr Joan Chittister in conversation’ see below. Supported by the Fidel Götz Foundation.
WE ARE CHURCH AUSTRIA started in 1995 and is committed to a renewal of the Roman Catholic Church on the basis of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) amongst other things.
WE ARE CHURCH GERMANY is 1,845,141 people, of whom 1,483,340 expressly declared themselves to be Roman Catholics, signed the five demands of the People's Church in Germany alone in autumn 1995. This was based on Lumen Gentium Art. 37 which states that believers "have the right and sometimes even the duty to communicate their opinions on the welfare of the Church to their spiritual pastors…"
WE ARE CHURCH INTERNATIONAL is a Church for the People of God.
WE ARE CHURCH IRELAND is a group of concerned Irish Catholics committed to the renewal of the Catholic Church on the basis of the Second Vatican Council
WIJNGAARDS INSTITUTE FOR CATHOLIC RESEARCH focuses on producing pioneering theological research by coordinating leading academics worldwide to collaborate on reports tackling the Church’s officially uncomfortable, difficult, and disputed areas.
WOMEN AND THE AUSTRALIAN CHURCH (WATAC)'s vision is to model new ways of being church, based on a “discipleship of equals”. Inclusive and ecumenical but started out Catholic. Their latest initiative is Australian Women Preach.
WOMEN'S ORDINATION CONFERENCE is a feminist voice for women’s ordination and gender equality in the Roman Catholic Church. Originated in the USA and currently celebrating 45 years. Kate McElwee, based in Rome, has been a Journey Guest – see her recording on Past Guests
WOMEN'S ORDINATION WORLDWIDE is an international organisation challenging global discrimination against women in the Catholic Church. Many members of the leadership team have been R&B Journey Guests: Kathy Schuck, Colm Holmes, Alicja Baranowska, Luca Badini.
WOMEN'S WISDOM IN THE CHURCH (WWITCH) is a group of women, mothers and teachers, who consider that God speaks to them through the signs of the times, and who seek the equality of Women in the Australian Church.